Why Honeymoon Never Sets?

Honeymoon is an experience of togetherness - togetherness with somebody who had been unknown to you and unfamiliar with you some time earlier. Each moment of this togetherness will be a moment of discovery, a moment of intense pleasure and a moment of increasing affection. As long as the attraction and attachment to each other is there, the honeymoon need never end. Whenever boredom or disinterest comes in to make your married life colourless, whenever you feel the cares and worries of your mundane life and work are sucking the juice out of your relationship, you can come back for a second or third or umpteenth honeymoon to recharge your relationship, to rejuvenate yourselves, to relive the honeyed days you spent on your first honeymoon.

Age Factor on Honeymoon

Proximity breeds contempt. Living together for a long time may make a married life stagnant and stale. But, just as age need not lessen your love for your dear and near, just as age need not diminish your longing for joy and pleasure, just as age need not dampen your urge for novelty and variety, so also your age need not reduce the satisfaction you get from a honeymoon trip, be it the first or the hundredth. As long as man is a social being and as long as man’s instincts lead him to a heterosexual relationship, man and woman shall enjoy the days they live as bride and groom. And becoming bride and groom once again shall make them relive their first honeymooning relationship and bring them closer once again, even if time has driven a wedge between them.

Never-ending honeymooning

Honeymoon is a noun that may denote a period of one month or two months, just like relationship and love. But honeymooning, relating, loving are continuous verbs that has no end. If you continue relating with your partner just as you were during honeymooning together, if you continue discovering something new in your partner every time you are relating with your partner, if you continue going deeper and deeper into your partner’s body, mind and soul, then your honeymooning will never end.

If your honeymoon period has generated genuine interest in each other, your relationship will be an unending honeymoon of exploring each other. Even when the body may become boring for you, the mind and heart will keep you both diving into the deep recesses of each other. If you start honeymooning below the tall trees, in the lap of nature at its most diverse richness, your honeymooning will never end.

Book Your Honeymoon

There are some special readymade packages that we have thoughtfully designed to make you cherish your honeymoon at the Tall Trees all your life. However, we know you are special, having your own ideas about how to enjoy your honeymoon. Just let us know your special requirements that are not included in our readymade packages. We can create a unique package exclusively for you, tailor-made to fit all your fondest dreams or wildest whims. What we want is an entirely satisfied customer and nothing else. So, write to us with specific suggestions or requests to create a special and unique package exclusively for you.

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